inReach Health: Bringing Better Healthcare to Rural Areas

Meet Bryan Scheer, M.D., the executive chairman and co-founder of inReach Health, a dedicated organization that’s all about improving the health and well-being of people living in rural areas. inReach Health, formerly known as Rural Partners in Medicine, has been a lifeline for many remote communities that would otherwise struggle to get top-notch specialty care.

How Did inReach Health Begin?

Dr. Scheer, an orthopedic surgeon, built his practice in rural Nebraska and Wyoming. As he saw his practice grow, he realized that local hospitals had the potential to handle surgeries that were often done elsewhere. This was a game-changer because it meant that people in these communities could get quality care without having to travel long distances.

Making a Difference and Seeing Progress

Through inReach Health, Dr. Scheer pushed back on the typical outreach model, by keeping patients and surgery local. He saw that these hospitals had untapped potential and began equipping them with the necessary skills and tools, turning them into vital healthcare hubs for their communities.

Since its start in 2010, inReach has come a long way. What began with a single orthopedic surgeon visiting rural hospitals every other week has now expanded to a presence of 100 hospitals across 13 states. inReach has become a one-stop specialty service provider, offering services like specialty surgery, orthopedics, rehabilitation, medical devices, and even mobile eye care equipment and services.

Expanding inReach’s Reach

While focusing on surgical services in these rural areas, inReach saw the missed potential of so many therapy departments. While therapy is typically a profitable department, there is often a large opportunity gap in productivity and resources. Partnering with inspire Rehab was a seamless step in integrating the work of our surgeons and the outcomes the patients deserve.

inReach applies the same principles of efficiency and quality to supply orthopedic implants to remote areas, ensuring that rural hospitals can provide the same access to medical devices as a thriving urban facility, boosting patient trust and satisfaction.

Building Stronger and Healthier Communities

inReach’s approach not only improves the health of rural patients but also has a big impact on the local economy. The hospitals working with inReach can reinvest their profits into improving their facilities, launching new programs, and attracting specialized healthcare professionals. This raises the overall standard of care and the quality of life in these communities. Cities like Alliance, Nebraska, where inReach started its first contract, have seen a significant boost in economic activity and overall well-being.

What’s Next for inReach?

Looking ahead, Dr. Scheer emphasizes the importance of adapting and evolving their services to better serve the communities they support. The organization is always fine-tuning its current processes and exploring new opportunities and strategies. As Dr. Scheer puts it, “There’s something out there that can make an even bigger impact than what we’re doing now, and it’s our job to find it.”

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